
Customer Coffee Chats

  • 8 January 2024
  • 12 replies

Userlevel 5

🚀 Calling all Benchling Enthusiasts! Are you passionate about Benchling and eager to showcase your journey? We invite you to participate in an opportunity to share your insights and expertise with the Benchling Community with a Customer Coffee Chat!

🌐 What's Involved:

  • 🗣️ 45-minute Zoom session open to Community members
  • 🎤 Moderation by our expert Community team
  • 🤝 Additional support from a Benchling key player (CSM, IM, or TAM)
  • 📣 Introductory post on the Community, sharing the exciting topics of focus

🌟 Ideal Candidates:

  • 💙 Passionate about Benchling
  • 🚀 Have an exciting Benchling project or initiative to share
  • 📊 Strong understanding of Benchling setup and administration
  • 🌐 Clear goals around Benchling use

🔒 Rest assured:

  • 🤐 No details about specific data models or proprietary information will be disclosed.

Ready to showcase your Benchling journey?☕ Let us know you're interested, and we'll set up a time for a coffee chat! ☕ Participants will be rewarded with Benchling gear! 🎁

12 replies

Userlevel 4

I’d be interested!

Userlevel 3

I am interested!

Userlevel 4

We could demo analytical instrument data integration between Benchling and TetraScience and review some of the lessons learned

Userlevel 2

I’d be up for this, but I’ll have more interesting things to show in about 4 months as we’re doing some template redesign work to improve things!

I’d be interested in attending, not much to contribute as of yet!

Userlevel 3

Sign me up for @gwoo ‘s coffee chat! I’m very interested :) 

Hi @Melissa DiTucci !
I love the idea :)
Any chance we can have abother coffee chat at a more Aussie friendly time? I am afraid I missed the one on Saturday :(

Userlevel 5

@Ale_Canteli we can definitely explore some different times for these sessions 😀

That sounds fun, unfortunately I missed the first one, but will definitely look out to join the others 😀.

If there’s interest I’d be happy to talk about how wo moved from our poorly supported browser-based LIMS system to using workflows + insights dashboards for our in-house DNA & protein production pipeline over 2023!

Userlevel 1

We could demo analytical instrument data integration between Benchling and TetraScience and review some of the lessons learned

Late to the party but I would love seeing integrations other Benchling customers have set up!

I would love to join. I am a superuser of Benchling at my company but I’m in sample management, so we use the system more for inventory tracking and automation/integration with other software and less for experiments/workflows. I have many good things to say about Benchling from years past working with other bad LIMS!

Userlevel 2

Hi @courtney.contreras, so great to have you in the online community and thrilled you hear you’re interested in potentially leading a coffee chat. Sounds like you have a wealth of experience others would benefit from learning about. I’ll drop you an email so we can set up a time to meet :)
