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Questions for Analytics Team AMA

  • 24 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Our AMA with @tara and the Analytics team is coming up! Post your questions here to make sure we get to them during our session. If you haven’t already registered and read through Tara’s introductory article, get on that! 


@Chantelle @DoraVitay @Brian King @JensBrink @aszabo @tlynch @asonger @justintaylor @JenRD @CAThomas @michael.humbert @Georgeunc @joyce.samson @timcolussi @katherinedyer @samivel @gjacobson @hozadam @gwoo @vlabree @kyle.hogan @IsabellaDarke @tessa.melli @bettisja @BrettBrockman @grace.chen @rooshabh @cmcruz @Jess.Rupp @vsanchez 

Questions please so we can give our team a little time to prep! 

We’ve also had to change up our expected guests -- @nick.floeck Head of Automation & Analytics Product Management will be standing in for @tara but we will still have Product Designer Luna Chen and Product Manager for Machine Learning Helen Liu-Mayo 🌞

The new Analysis feature is very powerful and easy to use - but also ‘dangerous’ in the level of access to the database it allows. I like that a user cannot pull data from Projects they do not have access to, but in tenants where users have mixed permissions across multiple projects it is very easy to surface data from Project A (restricted) to Project B (less restricted) if a user with permission to see both Projects creates their Analysis in Project B. 
Are there plans to apply permissions to specific metadata fields within the Analysis feature?  For example, in addition to Project based restrictions, applying restrictions by access policy to fields like nucleotide or AA sequence?
Also, are there plans for Analyses to refresh data in real time, like the dashboards, but without needing to know SQL?


  • Are there plans to allow the charts and visualizations formed insights to be placed into notebooks? 
  • Most folks in the lab are going to have an uphill climb when learning/using SQL whose main responsibility is in the lab - how do you plan to make the usage easier?
  • What kind of things should end users be asking of the Analytics team?
  • Does Benchling plan on changing how results are viewable in the current system? Users can utilize the search function to pull specific entitles and containers but the same is not true for results

  1. Is there going to be any access to prebuilt SQL queries so people can start using Insights a little bit quicker/not have to build everything from scratch?
  2. When will Insights have more visualization options?  ie picking the colors, more chart types
  3. Will the blocks ever be able to be resized?  I have a few blocks in a dashboard and I would love to be able to resize certain blocks for ease of viewing.
  4. When will data labels be added? Having to hover over the graph to see the value is annoying.
