
Welcome to Benchling’s online community

  • 15 August 2023
  • 0 replies
Welcome to Benchling’s online community

Hello Benchling Community!

I’ve always been inspired by the collaboration, learning, and sharing that happens when we bring our customers together, so I am delighted to welcome you to Benchling’s new online community.

You can read more about the vision for the online community and how we built it with the help of our customers in my
post on Benchling’s blog.

You can expect me to pop into the community in the future to see how it’s going, share company updates, and invite you to events with our team. I also hope to see you at Benchtalk 2023, our biggest community event of the year. If you haven’t already registered, be sure to
sign up for the event closest to you.

We’re excited to hear what you think about the online community!



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